At Edwards, We Have PBIS
We strive to meet the needs of all children by using a whole child approach. The ‘Whole Child’ approach is an effort to transition from a focus on academic achievement to one that promotes the long-term development and success of all children under our care.
One of the foundations that will help to bolster this growth is continued development of a sense of belonging for all through our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) which teaches students our 4 school-wide expectations:
- We belong / Nous appartenons
- We care / Nous sommes attentionnés
- We do our best / Nous faisons de notre mieux
- We are independent / Nous sommes indépendants
Our PBIS Matrix comes from the Medicine Wheel which is the foundation of our school’s character-building program. Our school recognizes the importance and the desire of all children to feel like they belong and are respected in their school community. All children have the desire to be loved and find a place where they fit in. At École Edwards we value each child, and it is so important for students to feel like they have a supportive community around them at school. This strong sense of community will give our students and staff a sense of belonging in the class with their peers, on the playground and in their school community.
English & French PBIS School-Wide Matrix

PBIS at Edwards