School Handbook and Policies
The handbook includes information on our school culture, mission and vision, and Positive Behaviour Intervention & Supports (PBIS). It also has bell times, attendance information, and the RVS annual calendar dates. This School Handbook is also used as our Student Handbook, found in our student agendas. All classrooms use student agendas to maintain organization and student daily communication home to practice habits of responsibility.
Allergy Alert & Aware School:
École Edwards is a school that takes safety seriously for all students and staff. We are an Allergy Alert and Aware School. That means that we have safety and medical plans in place for students with serious allergies or medical needs, and we have Allergy Alert Signs for every classroom or a specific space. If there is an Allergy Alert Sign, this means there is a serious allergy for students or staff in that space and what is brought to school must be carefully considered for their safety to help prevent the chance of someone experiencing anaphylaxis or medical distress. Teachers will communicate specific awareness and alerts to their families. In general, as a school, we aim to be nut-aware by encouraging everyone to refrain from bringing all nuts to school, particularly peanuts. As well, there are some allergies and sensitivities that involve smells, creating nausea and sickness. Please refrain from wearing strong perfumes or colognes in the school, to help us be a Scent Aware School. Thank you for your attention and for adhering to this safety policy for our school.
Medication Administration at School:
For all students who may need medication administered, even when sick for Tylenol or cough syrup, we are not able to administer medication at school, unless the Medication Administration Form is complete and signed by both parents and a doctor. Even for daily medications for anxiety or ADHD, or for potential emergencies such as using EpiPens, we need a medication administration form completed every year.
Administering Medication Or Medical Treatment To Students
AF316-A Administering Medication Medical Treatment To Students
Attendance Policy:
At École Edwards we want students at school every day. Regular attendance is critical for optimizing academic, social, and emotional growth. When your child is away please notify the school by using our Safe Arrival App, or by calling the school. Absences must be explained for us to know why your child is away. When there is a concern due to absenteeism, we follow a 3-level process involving the Teacher, Child Development Advisor, and Administration to meet with parents for support by making an attendance plan towards improvement. To promote and maintain regular attendance we will send home letters of concern and letters of celebration 3 times a year - November, February, and May.
Student Personal Devices:
Students are not permitted to use cell phones, smart watches, or other personal digital devices during the school day. Only personal devices that are necessary for a student's medical plan are permitted, such as when monitoring for insulin in students with diabetes, or a communication device for students who can not verbally communicate. For students to focus on their learning and have limited distractions, personal devices must stay at home, or be out of sight, in their backpacks. This is a requirement from the Alberta government in effect as of September 3, 2024. For more details, please see the RVS policy below.
AF148 A Responsible Use Of Personal Mobile Devices Social Media In Schools
PBIS Overview:
Here is a summary one-pager for our Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports at School - PBIS At Edwards
Student Safety: